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As a fashion woman, don't you crazy about them?Today, I see some photos about "Sex and the City 2", let us share them! Everyone was anxiously awaiting the first shot of the fabulous fashionable foursome. The wait is over. Samantha, Miranda, Carrie, and Charlotte reunited for the "Sex and the City" film sequel in New York City, all looking dressed to kill in designer duds. The girls of Sex and the City 2 got together in a group shot. Samantha, Miranda, Carrie, and Charlotte smiled for the cameras while decked out in fabulous outfits and accessories. What we can expect when the film hits screens. We can see: Kim Cattrall sports a body-hugging black dress with a python VBH Palm clutch. Cynthia Nixon wears a flattering rustic, orange dress complimented Yves Saint Laurent Triumph platforms heels.

Sarah Jessica Parker is decked out in a Halston Heritage dress, Chanel clutch, Christian Louboutin Pigalle with fiery red heels, and a Solange Azagury-Partridge necklace. She topped off the outfit with Mykita & Bernhard Willhelm shades. Kristin David was head to toe in hot pink Christian Dior: a skirt, jacket, Pink Lady Dior handbag. Which gal do you think looks best? "Sex and the City 2" now feels like it has truly begun, as we have finally seen our favorite foursome together again!Sex and the City has become the modern medium for designers to showcase their latest merchandise. We can only imagine how cutthroat the race is to get to the movie's stylist.

